The Council
The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Zelda Sumner, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall.
Council Meetings
PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.
TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm
MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 AT 6:00PM
PHONE NUMBER: (978) 990-5000 ACCESS CODE: 236998
I. Call meeting to order: Mayor Wynola Smith called the meeting to order at 6:07pm.
II. Invocation: CM Brown led the invocation and all were in attendance.
III. Adoption of the agenda: Mayor Wynola Smith asked the council to amend the agenda to allow public comments. No citizens had signed up to speak at the meeting. CM ZSumner made a motion to adopt the agenda as is. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.
IV. Business:
City Attorney: CM Hutchinson made a motion to hire Paul Calhoun as the new city attorney. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM ZSumner, CM Brown, and CM Love. Motion passed.
Lawsuit: CM Yawn made a motion to write the check for the lawsuit. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner and carried by CM Love and CM Brown. CM Htuchinson voted against the motion. Motion passed.
Bullet Proof Vest: CM ZSumner made a motion to purchase a vest for the part time police officer Dustin Renfroe for $600. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson. Motion carried by CM Yawn, CM Love, and CM Brown. Motion passed.
Key to the office: Mayor Wynola Smith asked for the council to give her a key to the clerk’s office at City Hall. CM Hutchinson made a motion to give the Mayor a key. There was no second.
Community Center Roof: Mayor Wynola Smith announced that the Community Center Roof was completed. Someone noticed a leak in the roof and she called Clemen’s to come look at. There was a screw missing and they fixed the problem.
V. Executive Session: Mayor Wynola Smith asked for the council to motion into executive session. Clerk Jean informed her that there would not be a way to have an executive session at that moment. The council asked if she could just speak in open session. Mayor Wynola Smith stated that she wanted to discuss employee pay and make sure everyone was on the same page. CM Yawn stated he would like to let Clerk Jean handle the situation. CM ZSumner stated she would look into more detail and see if there was anything wrong with how things were being handled now. CM Yawn stated that they would talk about the situation with Dylan at a later time with him present.
Mayor Wynola Smith informed the council that she was not sure if Good Friday was a holiday and told Wardale to take Monday off to make up for him working Friday. Good Friday is not one of the employees paid holidays. The council decided Wardale will get paid for the day off and all other employees will get a personal holiday to take at a later time.
VI. Council Reports: CM Hutchinson informed the council of a problem with dogs at the retirement home and that something needed to be done about it. She was informed that Chief Strickland has already seen about the issue.
VII. Adjournment: CM Yawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:40pm. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Hutchinson, and CM Love. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.