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The Council

The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Zelda Sumner, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Adrian Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall. 

Council Meetings

PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.

TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm



MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020, 2020 AT 6:00PM



I. Call Meeting to Order: Mayor called meeting to order at 6:02pm.


II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: CM ZSumner, CM Yawn, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson were in attendance. CM Love attended the meeting via phone due to an emergency.


III. Adoption of Agenda: CM Hutchinson made a motion to adopt the agenda. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by MC Love, CM Brown, and CM Yawn. Motion passed. Agenda adopted.


IV. Public Speakers:

  1. Julie Griffin: Thanked the citizens for electing her to be on City council. She stated she looks forward to the experience and would love to see growth and change in the city.


V. Executive session: The Mayor stated that in order for some business to be handled the council needed to discuss it in executive first. CM ZSumner made a motion to go out of regular session and into executive session. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson. Motion passed by CM Yawn, CM Love, and CM Brown. Motion passed.


VI. CM Hutchinson made a motion to go out of executive session and into regular session. Motion seconded by . Motion carried by , , and . Motion passed.


VII. Announcements:

  1. EPD Water Report: The Mayor stated that the EPD stopped by for an inspection. Everything went great and corrections were made. The city also received 2 certificates for fluoride for 2018 and 2019.

  2. Adoption of Minutes:  CM Hutchinson made a motion to accept the September, October, and November minutes. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.


VIII. Reconciliations: Will be ready for the January meeting.


IX. Unfinished Business:

  1. Budget: The Mayor stated that the city would be using the budget from the previous year due to the investigation and the audit not being able to be completed. The auditor suggested the idea and the council will be able to amend the budget as needed.


X. New Business:

  1. Part time police officer: Michelle Meeks was interviewed the previous week. The Mayor stated that the interview went very well and that she seemed like a good fit for the department. Chris Bonner recently resigned and she would be filling his position. CM Yawn made a motion to hire Michelle Meeks part time for the police department. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM Love, CM ZSumner, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.

  2. Clerk training: CM Yawn made a motion for Felicia to attend the clerk’s conference in February. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM ZSumner, CM Hutchinson, and CM Brown. Motion passed.

  3. Mayor Pro Tem: The Mayor stated that Mayor pro tem will be up next month and for the council to think about who they would like to nominate.

  4. Business license: The Mayor stated that she would like for the council review the current business license cost. The cost has not increased previously.

City Clerk (re executive session): CM Hutchinson made a motion to put Clerk Jean on leave without pay for the remainder of the investigation. CM ZSumner seconded the motion. CM Love, CM Brown, and CM Yawn voted against the motion.

Ginger Green made a comment about the previous motion.


XI. Reports:

Department Head Reports

  1. Fire Department- Chief Yawn reported that there had been a few structure fires in the past month but none in the city. The causes of the fires were heaters overloading the electric system. He stated to make sure you are careful with your space heaters and if the cord is hot unplug it and call an electrician. Besides the structure fires everything is going good with the department.

  2. Street/Water Department- CM Yawn: Everything is going good with the department. There have been a few water leaks.  They are still working on the streets and just got some more crush n’ run. The Mayor stated that the city will be accepting bids for the community center porch and the Hutcheson building.

  3. Police Department- Chief Strickland reported that there have been 4 felony arrests in the past month. The month has been a little slow for citations. Chief Strickland stated that he had a few things to bring before the council. The first was asking for a raise for the two part time officers. For Dustin Renfroe to get a $.50 raise and William Claxton to get a $.75 raise. Next he let the council know about a grant that will help pay for a vest for himself and William Claxton. Chief Strickland then informed the council about a truck, 2011 F150, which he has looked into. It would cost around $7,000 to get it on the road. He stated the need for the vehicle due to the new officer and to help get the wear and tear off of the traffic vehicles. Lastly he told the council about his plans for a smaller version of Swainsboro’s shop with a cop. He has had some toys and clothing donated and wanted to put out the donations for kids to pick out at the community center. It will be on Wednesday, December 23 from 4-6pm. Kyle Strickland asked the council to accept his application for a business license to open a small service station. CM Yawn made a motion to accept his application. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson. Motion carried by CM Love, CM ZSumner, and CM Brown. Motion passed. CM Yawn made a motion to purchase the 2011 F150 and pay for it out of the court account. CM Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried by CM Love, CM ZSumner, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed. CM Hutchinson made a motion to give Dustin Renfroe a $.50 increase and William Claxton a $.75 increase. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Love, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed. V VThe council gave Chief Strickland a go ahead on purchasing the vests to get the grant for reimbursement.

  4. Safety Department- Felicia Owen reported that the safety grant was submitted and last she heard was that they were waiting to get more funding.

  5. Recreation Department: CM Love stated that the only thing going on would be decorating for the Christmas party Thursday. She is also working on a fundraiser to renovate the concession stands. Chief Strickland was able to have refrigerator donated for it.


Council Members

  1. Zelda Sumner- None

  2. Suzanne Hutchinson- Pineland will be at the community center to activate the phone line she talked about at the October meeting.

  3. Jesse Yawn- None

  4. Michelle Love- None

  5. Ed Brown- None


Mayor- Wynola Smith thanked everyone for everything they have been doing.


Jason Bennet spoke about some issues he had with the city. He stated that he would like to see the playground equipment painted a different color than it was.

Julie Griffin stated that she agreed about the paint.

Nick Alfonso asked who was in charge of the spec sheets for the bids the city was asking for.

Julie Griffin stated that an issue she had with the county 911 service.


XII. Adjournment: CM Yawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting 7:29pm. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and Cm Hutchinson. Motion passed.

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