The Council
The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Julie Griffin, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall.
Council Meetings
PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.
TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm
MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 AT 6:00PM
I. Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: All in attendance stood for the pledge.
III. Adoption of Agenda: Mayor Smith informed the council that the preliminary budget and Suez needed to be added to the agenda. CM Yawn made a motion to amend the agenda to add the preliminary budget and Suez and to adopt the agenda. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner and carried by CM Brown, CM Love, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.
Preliminary Budget: CM Yawn made a motion to accept the preliminary budget. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson and carried by CM ZSumner, CM Brown, and CM Love. Motion passed.
Suez: CM Yawn made a motion to go with the company Suez for the water tank maintenance. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson and carried by CM Love, CM ZSumner and CM Brown. Motion passed.
IV. Announcements:
Clerk Jean spoke to the council about the chamber banquets coming up and also a breakfast. The council informed her of who would be attending which events.
V. Public Speakers:
Nick Alfonso- Congratulated the new mayor and council members.
VI. Adoption of Minutes: Minutes have been tabled until next month. There was not enough time for all the council members to review the minutes.
VII. Reconciliations: Reconciliations have been tabled until next month. There was not enough time for all the council members to review the reconciliations.
VIII. Unfinished Business:
Community Center Quotes-Not all quotes have been turned in. Tabled. The mayor discussed that once the roof was fixed that the city would start holding bingo in the community center.
IX. New Business:
Employee Insurance- The council decided against paying for employee insurance but the payments will be taken out of their checks.
Police Car- Mayor Smith presented information on the police car to the council. CM Yawn made a motion to purchase the police car. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson and carried by CM Brown, CM Love, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.
Department Heads- Mayor Smith appointed the department heads as follows: CM Yawn- Water/Maint., CM Brown- Police, CM Love and CM ZSumner- Rec Dept, Mayor- Admin, CM Hutchinson- Fire Dept
ASCAP Agreement- CM Hutchinson made a motion to sign the agreement for $363.00 a year. Motion seconded by CM Love and carried by CM Yawn, CM Brown, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.
Mayor Pro-tem Appointing- CM ZSumner made a motion to appoint CM Hutchinson as mayor pro tem. There was no second. CM Brown made a motion for CM Yawn to be appointed as mayor pro tem. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson and carried by CM Love and CM ZSumner. CM Yawn abstained. Motion passed.
City Attorney- Tabled.
X. Reports:
Department Head Reports
Fire Department- Chief Yawn reported that there were 117 calls for 2019 and that everything has been going well for the department. There was trouble with the power steering on one of the trucks but it is fixed and the truck has passed inspection. They are also in the process of getting some equipment from Emanuel County.
Street/Water Department- CM Yawn reported that the departments have been working on various different things. Adrian Homes has been purchased by a company who is making steel pallets. Their plan is to use it as storage and to open it to be operational at a later point in time. They will be working there to hook up the water as soon as possible.
Police Department- Chief Pennington reported that 84 citations written for the month of November.
Safety Department- Clerk Jean reported that the city had received the safety grant to purchase the fire equipment. She also reported that the city had been approved for the LMIG and already received the payment for the year.
Recreation Department- Nothing to report.
Council Members
Zelda Sumner- Nothing to report.
Suzanne Hutchinson asked about cell phone towers in the city. She was informed that no one is allowed to talk about the process. She then asked about the buzzard problem. She was informed that there are steps being taken to scare the buzzards off.
Jesse Yawn- Nothing to report.
Michelle Love- Nothing to report.
Ed Brown- Nothing to report.
Mayor Wynola Smith- Nothing to report.
XI. Recess Regular Meeting: CM Yawn made a motion to go out of regular session. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson, CM Love, and CM Brown. Motion passed.
XII. Executive Session: CM Yawn made a motion to go into executive session. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Hutchinson, and CM Love. Motion passed.
CM Yawn made a motion to go out of executive session. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson, CM Brown, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.
XIII. Call Regular Meeting to order: CM Yawn made a motion to go into regular session. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson, CM Brown, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.
CM Yawn made a motion to give employee pay increases as follows, Clerk Jean’s pay to be increased to $14.50, the police department’s salary to be increased 3%, Johnny Weatherbee’s pay to be increased $.50, and for all other employees pay be increased $1.00. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion passed by CM ZSumner, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion Passed.
XIV. Adjournment: CM Yawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson, CM Love, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.