The Council
The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Zelda Sumner, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall.
Council Meetings
PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.
TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2020 AT 6:00PM
I. Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: All in attendance stood for the pledge.
III. Adoption of Agenda: CM ZSumner made a motion to add the Nazarene Church to the agenda as speakers. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.
IV. Announcements:
(1) Stephanie’s Announcements
a. Bingo will be held on April 2nd from 6-8pm at the Adrian Community Center. There are a couple volunteers to help.
b. Ball applications are ready and flyers are posted. Once all the applications come in they will see if they have enough kids to form teams.
V. Public Speakers:
(1) Ricky Beck – Spoke about the Police Department and an issue he had with a previous officer. He stated he believes that the Police Department needs to have the best interest of the citizens of Adrian in mind and will see how things go with the department.
(2) Adrian New Life Church of the Nazarene – Bridgette and Emory Corley spoke on hosting a bible bases New Life Recovery Program for everyone, not just those with addiction. They asked to team with the city. They asked to be able to use the Community Center weekly, Monday nights from 7:00-8:15pm. The council stated they would discuss it and get back to them the next day.
VI. Adoption of Minutes: CM Hutchinson made a motion to accept the February 17 minutes and executive minutes and February 24th minutes and executive minutes. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Yawn, CM Brown, and CM Love. Motion passed.
VII. Reconciliations: Bank Statements only.
VIII. Unfinished Business:
(1) Community Center Quotes- Mayor Smith opened the 2 sealed bids. The council discussed the two bids and decided to postpone the matter until they knew about the warranty on one of the bids.
(2) Golf Cart- Mayor Smith opened the 4 sealed bids for the golf cart. The winner was Gwyn Strickland for $550.
(3) Patrol cars GPS- Chief Strickland spoke to the council about a gps program he researched. The program he found was the cheapest. The gps will be hardwired into the patrol cars and you will be able to tell which officer is driving the car. The gps will update every 6 seconds and use the closest cell phone tower of any carrier to update the location. There will be a onetime fee of around $200 and then a monthly fee of $13.95 per patrol car. The equipment will be replaced if ever damaged. CM Hutchinson made a motion to go with the gps program that was presented to them. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM Love, CM ZSumner, and CM Yawn. Motion passed.
IX. New Business:
(1) Credit Card Policy Update- Clerk Jean will have the policy ready for all the council members to sign. The policy is required to be updated every year.
(2) Fluoride- The council discussed the matter in the workshop prior to the meeting. More research will be done into the matter and Clerk Jean will send a letter to the EPD asking if it is possible to remove fluoride from the water.
(3) Flood Insurance- The council agreed to get more information on the matter.
(4) 911 Signs- The ordinance needs to be filed. Once it is filed the council will decide on a date that all the signs need to be up by. CM Yawn spoke about a fundraiser other Fire Departments have done selling the signs. The council discussed purchasing the signs in bulk and then selling the signs to citizens at the cheaper price. CM Yawn made a motion to purchase the 911 signs in bulk and sell them to the citizens. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM ZSumner, and CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.
(5) Interviews for Police Dept.- Mayor Smith stated that there are 2 applications for the part time positons. She scheduled the interviews for 6:00pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday. The interviews will be held by Mayor Smith, CM ZSumner, and either CM Brown or CM Yawn. The council discussed hiring the applicants upon approval of the mayor and chief after the interviews. The matter will be discussed in executive session.
(6) Census- Mayor Smith informed everyone about the upcoming Census. She explained the importance of the Census and everyone in the household being counted. The data will not be used in any other way than for counting the population.
CM Brown asked if he could speak on some problems to do with roads. He stated that South Church Street was in terrible condition and asked if there was anything the city could do about it. The council talked about using T-Splost to repair South Church St and West Green St.
X. Reports:
(1) Department Head Reports
(A) Fire Department- Chief Yawn reported that there were 10 calls for the Fire Department. He announced that his daughter has graduated and received her certification for firefighting. He is glad to have her on the department. He announced that the department is always looking for volunteers. He told the council that the ISO rating will be done again in the next 1-2 years. He hopes to improve the departments rating.
(B) Street/Water Department- CM Yawn reported that there are some problems with flooding on certain roads. They are working on doing repairs to the roads. CM Yawn announced that the tractor was fixed for total price around $740. The council then discussed purchasing a new bush-hog. CM Yawn made a motion to purchase a new bush-hog for $1,000. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed. CM Yawn made a motion to use T-Splost to repair S. Church St. and W. Green St.. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM Love, CM ZSumner, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.
(C) Police Department- Chief Strickland thanked the council for this opportunity. He also thanked Ricky Beck for his input. Coffee with a cop that morning went very well. Chief Strickland then reported that he has responded to 7 calls between Emanuel County and Johnson County, 28 vehicles have been stopped and 9 citations have been written. He stated that the department will continue to move forward. CM ZSumner addressed 2 candidates from Johnson/Emanuel attending coffee with a cop and asked if he planned on having the rest of the candidates at other events. He stated that he would and try to have them all attend by May. The council stated that the money for the event can come from the coke machine.
(D) Safety Department- Felicia Owen had nothing to report.
(E) Recreation Department- CM Love reported that she had been over to the concession stand recently and noticed that the refrigerator needs to be replaced. They will check the funds to see if purchasing a new fridge is possible. She also stated that Fun Zone with the church will not be doing soccer this year and it is potentially something the city could do. She asked about the Spring Fling and if it would be safe to have it due to the virus going around. The council discussed the health risk. CM Yawn made a motion to cancel the Spring Fling. Motion seconded by CM Brown. CM Love and CM ZSumner were for the motion and CM Hutchinson was against the motion. Motion passed. CM Love will call the Health Departments and get their opinion on public events, for now ball and bingo will happen until there is more information.
(2) Council Members
(A) Zelda Sumner had nothing to report.
(B) Suzanne Hutchinson asked why she was not informed about the proceeds of bingo going to the Fire Dept. since she is the department head.
(C) Jesse Yawn had nothing to report.
(D) Michelle Love had nothing to report.
(E) Ed Brown had nothing to report.
(3) Mayor Wynola Smith had nothing to report.
XI. Recess Regular Meeting: CM Yawn made a motion to go out of regular session at 7:23pm. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Hutchinson, and CM Love. Motion passed.
XII. Executive Session: CM Yawn made a motion to go into executive session at 7:34pm. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Hutchinson, and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.
CM Yawn made a motion to go out of executive session at 8:04pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM ZSumner, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed
XIII. Call Regular Meeting to order: CM Yawn made a motion to go into regular session at 8:04pm. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM ZSumner, CM Hutchinson, and CM Love. Motion passed.
CM Yawn made a motion to hire the two new police applicants after interviews if the Chief and Mayor approve of them. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM ZSumner, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.
XIV. Adjournment: CM ZSumner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson, CM Love, and CM Brown. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.