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The Council

The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Julie Griffin, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall. 

Council Meetings

PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.

TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm



MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021,




 I. Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.


II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Citizen Debbie Meadows lead the invocation. All in attendance stood for the pledge.


III. Adoption of Agenda: CM Hutchinson made a motion to amend the agenda to include 941 letter and Water Tank Pump and to adopt the agenda. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and CM Griffin. Motion passed. Agenda amended and adopted.


IV. Announcements: None


V. Public Speakers:

  1. Scotty Hattaway- Superintendent Emanuel County Schools: Mr. Hattaway introduced himself and spoke about his life and history. He presented a presentation about his goals for the school system and why he does what he does. He asked for feedback and presented his contact information stating he would be happy to meet or talk with anyone. The Mayor and Council thanked him for his presentation and for coming.

  2. Zelda Sumner- Council: Not in attendance


VI. Adoption of Minutes: CM Love made a motion to adopt the May 10th minutes and executive minutes. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Griffin, CM Brown, and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed. Minutes adopted.


VII. Reconciliations: Not ready


VIII. Unfinished Business:

  1. RFQ- Mayor Smith spoke to the council about the RFQ’s the city had received. She was assured that there would be no cost to the city and that the grant would take care of all costs. CM Hutchinson made a motion to go with Brownfield’s proposal and to get started with the application. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Griffin, CM Yawn, and CM Brown. Motion passed.

  2. American Rescue Plan- Mayor Smith updated the council on the American Rescue plan. She stated that the amount designated was according to the census numbers. The city is set to receive half of the funding in the next months and will receive the second half in 1 year. The money is to be spent on COVID related costs, water system updates, broadband, etc.

  3. Leaf Vacuum- The leaf vacuum has been purchased and will be arriving in 4-8 business days. A citizen donated a majority of the cost to the city.

  4. Charter Update- City Attorney Paul Calhoun updated the council that he will be leaving the next couple of months open for suggestions from them about the charter before they move forward anymore.

  5. Microphone Update- Mayor Smith stated that she spoke with Danny Kirkland about the microphones and he is still looking for something that would be the right fit for the council and the space that they use.

  6. Business License Application Update- The council discussed the business license from the previous month. CM Hutchinson made a motion to deny the business license. Motion seconded by CM Love. CM Yawn and CM Brown voted in favor of the motion. CM Griffin voted against the motion. Motion passed.

  7. July 4th Update- CM Griffin stated that she has been working on the silent auction and has gotten several donations so far. CM Hutchinson updated the council on the parade and vendors.  She said everything is coming along well. She gave the council quotes on the price to run an ad for the flyer in the newspapers. The council agreed to go with the noticed in the paper they were already using instead. CM Yawn stated he would like to block off Railroad St and Nora Blvd. The council agreed it was a good idea. CM Love stated that the she has ordered the car show trophies. She has a design ready for the t-shirts and will be ordering them soon. She then spoke about the gun raffle and the guns that will be up for the raffle. The fireworks have been purchased for the celebration.

  8. 941 Form- Mayor Smith updated the council on the letter regarding the 2020 3rd quarter payroll taxes. A form can be submitted to ask for forgiveness for any penalties or late fees.


IX. New Business:

  1. Business License Applications- Mayor Smith presented the council with two business license applications. The first application was from Michael Byrd for Byrd Auto Repair. He mentioned that he would be doing smaller jobs, no major repairs. CM Yawn made a motion to approve the application as long as he agrees to keep the road clear. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Brown, and CM Griffin. The second application was from James Surrency for S&S Maintenance Contractors. The applicant mentioned previously that the work would be done outside of town and the business was for commercial industrial contracts. CM Yawn made a motion to approve the business license application. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Griffin, and CM Love.

  2. Sidewalks/Curbing- The council spoke about a damaged sidewalk in the city. The council agreed to reach out to the citizen and if an agreement couldn’t be met to have the city attorney send a letter.

  3. Banner Hinton House- CM Yawn made a motion to go with the shorter banner from the Hinton House and allow them to add it to the sign. Motion seconded by CM Brown. Motion carried by CM Love, CM Griffin, and CM Hutchinson.

  4. Water Tower Pump- The pump for the water tower has now been fixed.


X. Recess Regular Meeting: CM Yawn made a motion to go out of regular session and into executive session at 7:16pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Hutchinson, and CM Griffin.


XI. Executive Session:  Real Estate & Consulting with legal counsel


XII. Call Regular Meeting to order: CM Hutchinson made a motion to go out of executive session and into regular session at 7:23pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Griffin, and CM Yawn.


 XIII. Reports:

Department Head Reports

  1. Fire Department- Chief Yawn presented the reports for April and May. They were fairly busy. There was some trouble with the first response vehicle but it has since been repaired but there is another issue with the headlights not turning off. He spoke about a training that they attended over the weekend and stated it was very informative about new/electric cars and solar panels. Chief Yawn then mentioned that he would like to ask for a quick response truck in the future through the American rescue plan. Lastly he had mentioned that it had been a rough week for the department and the community.

  2. Street/Water Department- CM Brown stated that he spoke to Johnny and that he replaced a part for the weed eater but everything else was good.

  3. Police Department- Chief Strickland reported that it has been a busy month for them as well but no major crimes have been reported. The explorer’s bumper has been fixed, it was damaged when purchased. He stated that there will be help for blocking roads off for the 4th of July celebration. Chief Strickland then mentioned the ATV/Golf carts and until the ordinance was corrected he would have to go by state law to enforce any rules or guidelines. He then spoke about the total citation fees collected for the first 6 months of 2021 and how they just passed the total for the year of 2020. Lastly he asked for the council to support him and the department as they continue to grow in the future.

  4. Safety Department- CM Hutchinson stated that everything with the department is going good and they will be having a meeting soon.

  5. Recreation Department- Spoke previously about the 4th of July.


Council Members

  1. Julie Griffin- Spoke about the street department asking about some potholes, ditches, and the employees working in the same area.

  2. Suzanne Hutchinson- Reported that they served lunches that day to 70 kids and will continue to serve them for the next few weeks Mondays. There are kits of 7 breakfasts and 7 lunches.

  3. Jesse Yawn- Nothing to report.

  4. Michelle Love- Nothing to report.

  5. Ed Brown- Nothing to report.


Mayor- Wynola Smith- Nothing to report.


XIV. Adjournment: CM Yawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:09pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Griffin, CM Hutchinson, and CM Brown.

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