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The Council

The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Zelda Sumner, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Adrian Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall. 

Council Meetings

PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.

TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm




MONDAY, JUNE 8 10, 2020, 2020 AT 6:00PM



I. Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.


II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: All in attendance stood for the pledge. CM Brown was not in attendance.


III. Adoption of Agenda: CM Yawn made a motion to adopt the agenda. Motion seconded by CM ZSumner. Motion carried by CM Love and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed. Agenda adopted.


IV. Announcements:

  1. Mayor Smith spoke about how all meetings must maintain order.

  2. The council discussed when the large dumpsters will be here. There is not a date set as of now.

  3. There will be primary elections tomorrow.

  4. Dog Kennels- Currently looking for a spot to put them.

  5. There will be no fireworks for the Fourth of July.  


V. Public Speakers:

  1. Ginger Green- Spoke about a problem with her address. No one can find her house and she is concerned for an emergency. She has already been to Johnson County and they have no helped her.


VI. Adoption of Minutes: CM Hutchinson made a motion to accept the May 11th minutes. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Love and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.


VII. Reconciliations: Bank Statements only.


VIII. Unfinished Business:

  1. Bonnie Kelley- Postpone until audit is complete.

  2. Hutcheson Building Update- Lights are on, locks have been rekeyed, materials will be ordered soon, Wardale has started cleaning out the building.

  3. Lawyer Issues Update- Paul Calhoun gave update.

  4. Community Center Bids- None

  5. Street Project Updates- Mayor Smith gave an update on the projects.


IX. New Business:

  1. Community Response Team- The council discussed the details of the community response team.

  2. Council Meetings- The council discussed having a citizens meeting. Meetings will remain the same right now.

  3. Summer Bash- Will be held on June 13th at 12:00. Free meals will be given out to the community.

  4. Hiring Street Maintenance- Two people had applied and been interviewed.

  5. LMIG Project- Johnny Smith paving will be doing the rest of College St. CM Hutchinson made a motion to use the next part of the grant to complete N. Hall St. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM ZSumner and CM Love. Motion passed.


X. Reports:

Department Head Reports

  1. Fire Department- Chief Yawn had nothing to report

  2. Street/Water Department- CM Yawn had nothing to report.

  3. Police Department- Chief Strickland was not in attendance.

  4. Safety Department- Felicia Owen was not in attendance.

  5. Recreation Department- Nothing to report.


Council Members

  1. Zelda Sumner- Nothing to report.

  2. Suzanne Hutchinson- Nothing to report.

  3. Jesse Yawn- Nothing to report.

  4. Michelle Love- Nothing to report.

  5. Ed Brown- Not in attendance.


Mayor- Wynola Smith updated the council on Shannon working for the City and he will charge $75/hr. The street department is currently working on the welcome signs.  


XI. Recess Regular Meeting: CM Yawn made a motion to go out of regular session at 6:50pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.


XII. Executive Session: CM Yawn made a motion to go into executive session at 6:50pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM ZSumner and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.

CM Yawn made a motion to go out of executive session at 7:00pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM ZSumner and CM Hutchinson. Motion passed.


XIII. Call Regular Meeting to order: CM Yawn made a motion to go into regular session at 7:00pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Hutchinson and CM ZSumner. Motion passed.

CM Yawn made a motion to hire Daniel Mincey starting at 10/hr. Motion seconded by CM Hutchinson. Motion carried by CM ZSumner and CM Love. Motion passed.


XIV. Adjournment: CM Hutchinson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM ZSumner and CM Yawn. Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm.

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