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The Council

The City of Adrian is operated by Mayor Wynola Smith and council members Jesse Yawn, Julie Griffin, Michelle Leirer-Love, Ed Brown, and Suzanne Hutchinson. The council operates with a weak mayor and a strong council. The council meets at least once a month at the Community Center Annex on Nora Blvd. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings. If you are interested in signing up to speak at the meeting you can do so at City Hall. 

Council Meetings

PLACE: The Adrian Community Center Annex located on Nora Blvd.

TIME: Second Monday of every month at 6:00pm






I. Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.


II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: All in attendance stood for the pledge.


III. Adoption of Agenda: CM Hutchinson made a motion to adopt the agenda. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Griffin, CM Brown, and CM Love. Motion passed.


IV. Announcements: None


V. Public Speakers:

  1. Nick Alfonso spoke to the council. He stated that the council is sworn to fair/honest and serve the people. He asked the council what they thought about the city clerk’s job performance. The council briefly discussed how they felt the city clerk fulfilled her duties.

  2. Ginger Green passed on her opportunity to speak; she felt Nick Alfonso covered what she wanted to speak about.

  3. Judy Garman spoke to the council members about their department reports. She stated that she wants the council to give a report every month. She then spoke about how she felt about the city clerk.


VI. Adoption of Minutes:  CM Hutchinson made a motion to accept the January 11 meeting & executive minutes, January 27th public hearing, and January 27th special meeting minutes. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Yawn, and CM Griffin. Motion passed.


VII. Reconciliations: Will not be ready in time for this meeting. Training for reconciling will start on Wednesday, February 10th.


VIII. Unfinished Business:

  1. Budget- Mayor Smith stated that she was misinformed about the requirements for the adoption of the budget. A public hearing was held on January 27th. CM Yawn made a motion to readopt the budget. Motion seconded by CM Griffin. Motion carried by CM Love and CM Hutchinson. CM Brown opposed the motion. Motion passed.

  2. Sweeper- Kyle Strickland spoke to the council about the sweeper. He stated that the sweeper either needed a new crank shaft or a new motor. He is having trouble finding either one at the moment; he will let the council know when he finds one. The council briefly discussed looking at a new sweeper since the one the city owns is a 1989 model.

  3. Community Center renovations- The maintenance department has been working on remodeling the porch at the community center. Kendall Graham will be painting the porch for a price of $250.

  4. Mosquito sprayer- The Mayor spoke to the council about the mosquito sprayer. The sprayer price is $5,000 and includes training for the Maint. Dept. CM Hutchinson made a motion to purchase the sprayer. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Yawn and CM Griffin. CM Brown opposed the motion. Motion passed.

  5. Taxes- The 941’s have been submitted to the IRS. The Mayor is waiting to hear back to see what the city owes.

  6. Training for council- CM Griffin and Mayor Smith will be attending training on March 29-31. She spoke to GMA about previous council attending the class and they stated it is the same as last year and would only be beneficial for council who hadn’t been in a long time.

  7. Retirement policy- The city attorney is looking into a workable policy for the employee and city.


IX. New Business:

  1. Weather alarm- Mayor Smith stated that a citizen brought to her attention that the city used to have a weather alarm. Mayor Smith asked CM Love and CM Hutchinson to look at getting one for through a grant.

  2. Suez- Mayor Smith stated that it was time for the Suez yearly renewal. She spoke with them and set up a plan for the city to make monthly payments.


X. Executive session:

CM Hutchinson made a motion to go into executive session at 7:09pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Griffin, and CM Yawn. Motion passed.


CM Hutchinson made a motion to go out of executive session at 8:09pm. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Brown, CM Yawn, and CM Griffin. Motion passed.


CM Hutchinson made a motion to terminate Stephanie Jean effective February 10th due to failure to fulfill her job and report court paperwork, IRS reports, etc. in a 3-2 vote. CM Love seconded the motion. Motion carried by CM Griffin. CM Yawn and CM Brown voted against the motion. Motion passed.


The council moved on and Chief Yawn started his reporting stating that he didn’t have much to say. Everything is going good with the new county fire chief and he attended a brush call with the department earlier that day.


The council back tracked to the previous matter. made a motion for Felicia Owen to become city clerk with an increase to $14.00/hr and once she completes her court training she will receive an additional $.50 increase. Motion seconded by . Motion carried by and . opposed the vote. Motion passed.


XI. Reports:

Department Head Reports

  1. Fire Department- Chief Yawn: report is above.

  2. Street/Water Department- CM Yawn reported that everything is going good with the department. They flushed fire hydrants that morning. Johnny has started teaching Daniel to drive the dump truck.

  3. Police Department- Chief Strickland reported that he submitted the contract for OmniQ and is just waiting on GDOT approval. The governor’s office of highway safety will be holding a dinner at farmhouse the following Tuesday. There may be a road check after depending on if weather permits. Lastly Chief Strickland stated that as of February 10th he will be chief for one year and he appreciates the opportunity to serve.

  4. Safety Department- Nothing to report.

  5. Recreation Department- CM Griffin reported that she found a nice stainless steel sink and will be donating it to the rec dept soon. CM Love reported that they will be revamping the concession stand soon.


Council Members

  1. Julie Griffin- CM Griffin asked for citizen’s permission to use the ballfield to hold a fund raiser. CM Hutchinson made a motion to allow them to use the ball field. Motion seconded by CM Love. Motion carried by CM Yawn, CM Griffin, and CM Brown.

  2. Suzanne Hutchinson reported that there will not be a Spring Fling or Easter Egg Hunt. She would like to plan something for the 4th of July and hopefully by Halloween it will be safe to hold trick or treating.

  3. Jesse Yawn- nothing to report.

  4. Michelle Love- nothing to report.

  5. Ed Brown asked about the McCoy property on Pine St. Mayor Smith stated that the maintenance dept have looked at it and are planning on what to do.


Mayor- Wynola Smith nothing to report.


XII. Adjournment: CM Hutchinson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 pm. Motion seconded by CM Yawn. Motion carried by CM Griffin, CM Love, and CM Brown. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.

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